Compatibility and Cordiality in a Relationship

Kiddy Vijay
3 min readJun 30, 2023


Imagine that you meet someone who makes your heart skip a beat, butterflies swarm in your stomach, and suddenly you find yourself falling head over heels for them. But hey, hold your horses for a moment. Love may conquer all, but have you ever questioned the importance of compatibility in a relationship?

Having listened to various love stories, from love at sight to meet cute encounters, I understood that getting married isn’t the life goal for lovers, but it’s the beginning of everything.

The most discussed problem has been compatibility and cordiality issues the couples faced.

A Perfect Match

Compatibility is like the magical glue that holds any relationship together. Imagine building the world’s most spectacular sandcastle without any adhesive; just a gentle breeze can great it apart. Similarly, a relationship lacking compatibility might crumble under pressures you face in every day life. Only when two individuals effortlessly complement each other, there is a possibility for harmony.

It’s or being alike

So, what exactly is compatibility? Well, it’s when two people click on multiple levels. It’s that indescribable feeling when you just “get” each other. Compatibility can manifest in various ways – shared values, interests, and goals, or even a similar sense of humor that leaves you both in stitches. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where both partners feel like two peas in a pod.

However, let’s not confuse compatibility with sameness. Being compatible doesn’t mean you must agree on every single thing or have identical personalities. After all, variety is the spice of life! It’s more about acknowledging and appreciating each other’s differences, knowing that those contrasts strengthen your connection, rather than tearing it apart.

Cordiality is Sincerity

Furthermore, compatibility also plays a significant role in the realm of cordiality within a relationship. Cordiality can be seen as the perfect mix of respect, kindness, and understanding. It’s all about how sincere your love is. It’s the secret sauce that keeps the flame alive in a long-term partnership. Think of it as the warm flame that dances on a candle’s wick, spreading its radiant light, ensuring that neither partner feels neglected or unappreciated.

Accepting a person for what they are

Cordiality is all about fostering an atmosphere of openness and support. It’s about embracing vulnerability and creating a safe space where both partners can express themselves freely, without fear of judgment. It’s lending an empathetic ear when your partner had a rough day, or offering a gentle shoulder to lean on when life becomes overwhelming. Cordiality involves actively nurturing and cherishing your relationship, like a delicate flower that requires constant care and attention.

Needs Mutual Effort

Like any aspect of a relationship, compatibility and cordiality require effort from both parties. It’s not something that magically appears overnight, but through conscious decision-making and a genuine desire to keep the flame ablaze. Remember, a relationship is a two-way street, and it’s the combined efforts of both individuals that determine its strength and longevity.

Hence, compatibility and cordiality are like the superglue and sunshine that make a relationship thrive. They provide the foundation for a deep and meaningful connection, helping couples weather life’s storms together with more strength and resilience. So, never underestimate the power of compatibility and cordiality – they’re the magical ingredients that can turn an ordinary relationship into an extraordinary one!

Keep nurturing that connection, embrace each other’s quirks, and always strive to create an atmosphere of love, respect, and understanding. With compatibility and cordiality by your side, you’re bound to experience a truly fulfilling and long-lasting relationship. Cheers to love, laughter, and the beautiful journey that awaits you both!

Meeting people from different walks of life, listening to their stories, best and worst experiences, misunderstandings they faced, rows they had, harmful arguments they were involved in, break ups, and divorce decisions they made, I’ve gained wide insights into the complexities of relationships and human emotions. I feel grateful to each of my clients for confiding in me and sharing their problems with trust. Everyone in a way helped me evolve as a person as well. You gain knowledge through books, and wisdom through experience and experiments.



Kiddy Vijay

In spite of erroring reasons spite, whatever is, is just right. Life coach, Nature-lover, writer, poet, homeschooling mom, dreamer, believer, bibliophile